Measure range-of-motion for all major articulations, cervical rotation, lateral flexion of the head and anterior-posterior cervical flexion. Bubble level assures measurement is made on horizontal plane. Two 180° opposing scales in 5° increments.
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Baseline posture evaluation instruments provide accurate and repeatable measurements.
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Baseline posture evaluation instruments provide accurate and repeatable measurements. Use to evaluate posture. The plastic posture grid (25"x48") can be suspended from the ceiling or wall bracket. Set includes a suspension cord and a plumb bob to measure alignment.
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Baseline posture evaluation instruments provide accurate and repeatable measurements. Use to measure thoracic and lumbar ROM, lateral and forward flexion and extension of the spine. Height adjustable goniometer can be adjusted to align with the client's L4 and L5 axis points for measurements.
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Determine whether body parts are properly aligned. Place the moveable arms on two sites. Read the amount of tilt (in degrees) from the scale. Ideal for Scoliosis screening.
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Measurements can detect scoliosis and abnormal anteropostero curve. It also measures the unstable lumbosacral, cervical and thoracic curves. The scale measures in centimeters, inches, and degrees.
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Measures the degree of rotation of a deformity of the back. Use it to screen which persons to refer for further medical evaluation. The product is 3.5" x 7.5" and comes with a storage pouch.
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