The Best Priced Products (BPP) website contains the health and wellness, athletic training and physical therapy products that are featured in BPP’s 2015 professional catalog! Orders placed online will be processed in the same timely manner that BPP customers have become accustomed to since 1984. Customers may also email, call or fax the office to place their orders or to have their questions answered by one of BPP’s qualified customer service representatives. BPP is waiting to help you!
Most products you see on this website are in stock and available for immediate shipment. BPP can also procure and supply many products not on our website.
BPP proudly distributes the following product lines:
- CanDo® exercise band and tubing
- CanDo® Digi-Flex®,
Digi-Squeeze® and
Digi-Extend n’Squeeze® - CanDo® inflatable balls,
foam rollers, and other
balance products - CanDo® TheraPutty® exercise putty
- The Cuff® exercise weight
- CanDo® exercise mats
- Baseline® measurement and evaluation instruments
- Relief Pak® hot and cold therapy products
- Point-Relief® topical analgesics
- WaxWel® paraffin bath and refills
- Skillbuilders® patient positioning and seating systems
- Fab-Life® aids to daily living (ADL)