Our knowledgeable customer service team is here to answer your questions from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm EST. Feel free to call us at 1-914-345-3800 or 800-824-2939 – we’re here to help!

With five easy ways to order, BPP is prepared to meet all your ordering needs. Orders placed online will be processed in the same timely manner that BPP customers have become accustomed to since 1984. Customers may also email, call or fax the office to place their orders or to have their questions answered by one of BPP’s qualified customer service representatives.

  • Email: Matt@BPP2.com
  • GSA Advantage!
  • Phone: 914-345-3800
  • Website: BPP2.comContact Matt to access your pricing on the web
  • Fax: 914-345-0300