Sundry Jars

Product Group Summary

Clinic and medical center exam rooms just got a little less scary for the children. This set of Opaque Plastic Jars feature cheerful and smiling cartoon animal characters as opposed to generic and "sterile" names and images.

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Item # Sundry Jars Price Qty.
66884 Clinton, Labeled Animal Pals, Opaque Plastic, Sundry Jars $109.99
Clinton, Labeled Animal Pals, Opaque Plastic, Sundry Jars:
Clinic and medical center exam rooms just got a little less scary for the children. This set of Opaque Plastic Jars feature cheerful and smiling cartoon animal characters as opposed to generic and "sterile" names and images. Now when a child is in an exam room, the ambiance along with their first sights and memories won't be of a room full of "scary equipment," but rather of sunny and colorful faces making them feel at ease. This is a set of 5 Animal Pal Plastic Jars. Jars feature labels for Bandages, Tongue Depressors, Cotton Balls, Gauze and Applicators. Animal Pal Jars are not available individually and must be purchased as a set. Clear tops make checking inventory as easy as a quick glance. At a height of 6.5" and with a diameter of 4.375", these jars offer plenty of space to hold various sundry items. Jars are plastic and easy to clean with a soft damp cloth and mild soap.

Dimensions: 6.5" x 7" x 4.38"

Weight: 2 lbs

Notice: Typically ships in 2 weeks.

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