emField Pro

Product Group Summary

The emField Pro takes High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) to new heights! With power up to 3 Tesla (equivalent to 30,000 Gauss), the new emFieldPro offers full and painless penetration. All of this, without any consumables or the need for the patient to disrobe.

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Item # emField Pro Price Qty.
83799 emField Pro $38249.99
emField Pro:
Zimmer MedizinSystems introduces a new dimension in High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) - the new emField Pro device for muscle stimulation. The emField Pro generates a magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla, which is about 600 times stronger than a normal magnet. This strong magnetic field then stimulates nerve cells, muscles, and blood vessels. Offering full and painless penetration. All of this, without any consumables or the need for the patient to disrobe. Often, a treatment area is not homogeneous, and pain is not evenly present in the treatment area either. Trigger or pain points might or might not lie within the painful area or area to be treated. Trigger points and pain points are typically treated statically while other areas are treated dynamically. With combined treatment, care should be taken to ensure that static therapy is initially applied to pain and trigger points. Extensive treatment can then be continued with dynamic application. For static treatments, use of the large applicator is recommended. It is mounted onto the applicator arm. Pain points and trigger points for static treatment are initially palpated. The treatment is then administered by selecting the appropriate power output. Every pain point or trigger point is treated. For dynamic treatments, use of the medium applicator is recommended. No direct skin contact is needed. Pain or treatment zones are initially palpated. The treatment is then administered by selecting the appropriate power output. Make sure the whole treatment zone is treated. Setup is quick and treatment time is typically ten to twenty minutes. Treatment can be mostly unattended.

Dimensions: 21.3" x 39.1" x 19.7"

Weight: 300 lbs

Notice: Typically ships in 2 weeks.