Allen Diagnostic Tools

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Selection of Allen diagnostic tools and reference guides.

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Item # Allen Diagnostic Tools Price Qty.
0950 Allen Diagnostic Module Instruction Manual, 2nd Edition $302.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Instruction Manual, 2nd Edition:
Therapists will be able to appraise the usefulness of each of 35 activities by reading the instruction manual. The manual describes standardized procedures for making samples, setting up group and individual sessions, giving instructions, giving prompts or cues and rating behavior. Also includes score sheets and rating criteria, all contained in a loose-leaf binder (included) that allows you to add pages.

Dimensions: 12" x 2" x 10"

Weight: 6 lbs

UPC: 851445910511

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0950 Download Materials

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0957 Allen Diagnostic Module Canvas Placemats, Pack of 6 $122.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Canvas Placemats, Pack of 6:

Currently out of stock.

Felt shapes are precut and presorted with extra shapes for clients who choose to add more. Standardized, attractive design allows assessment of matching ability. Can be used in groups of up to 6 people. Kits include precut canvas placemats and precut hearts and circles packed by colors. Order glue (GL417B) and bins (AC254) separately. 10-1/2" x 13". Level 3.0-4.6. These materials are intended for therapists who are familiar with the cognitive disabilities theory. The Allen Diagnostic Module Manual (CU26) is needed in order to administer this assessment.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 2 lbs

UPC: 851445910429

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0957 Download Materials

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0953 Allen Diagnostic - Understanding Cognitive Performance Modes $119.99
Allen Diagnostic - Understanding Cognitive Performance Modes:
A reference guide to understanding the cognitive performance modes and writing treatment goals. The abilities, appropriate treatment goals and relevant safety concerns at each mode of performance are suggested. Softcover; 8-1/2" x 11". 154 pages. By Claudia Allen, Catherine Earhart and Tina Blue.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 3 lbs

UPC: 851445046180

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0953 Download Materials

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0956 Allen Diagnostic - Occupational Therapy Treatment Goals for the Physically and Cognitively Disabled $317.49
Allen Diagnostic - Occupational Therapy Treatment Goals for the Physically and Cognitively Disabled:
Therapists will need a copy of this book to interpret and document the results of ADM. Softcover, 360 pages. By Claudia Allen, Catherine Earhart and Tina Blue.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 3 lbs

UPC: 851445046142

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0956 Download Materials

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Item # Allen Diagnostic Tools Price Qty.
0965 Allen Diagnostic Module Recessed Tile Boxes, Pack of 6 $129.99
Allen Diagnostic Module Recessed Tile Boxes, Pack of 6:
Recessed Tile Boxes with patterns. Proven efficiency as a research tool in study by therapists at Boston University correlating ACLS scores with functional outcomes. Includes 6 wood boxes with recessed lids, 6 colors of tile (packaged individually) and sandpaper. Order stain, stain and paint cups, brushes and bins separately. 3-3/4"W x 2-3/4"H x 1-3/4"D. per pack. Level 3.0-4.8.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910344

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0965 Download Materials

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0963 Allen Diagnostic Module Tile Trivets, Pack of 6 $177.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Tile Trivets, Pack of 6:
Tiny tiles fit on flat surfaces without grout or spacing problems. Base shape allows evaluation of the quality of sanding and staining. Tile designs match the complexity of each base. Good for groups of 6 short-term stay patients. Kits include assorted bases, presorted tiles and sandpaper. Order stain, brushes, bins and glue separately. Tiling area: 4-1/2" sq. Trivet with handle: Pattern and design may vary. 11"L x 5-3/4"W x 3/4"D. Octagon: 7"L x 7"W x 3/4"D. Art Deco: 7-3/4" Sq. x 3/4"D. Level 3.0-5.8. For replacement tiles, please order item CU1250.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910474

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0963 Download Materials

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0966 Allen Diagnostic Module Felt Turtle, Pack of 6 $99.99
Allen Diagnostic Module Felt Turtle, Pack of 6:
Hardest to do one-handed; therapists may need to hold turtle during stitching and stuffing. Kit includes precut felt pieces consisting of turtle bodies, shells, tummies and 3 colors of plates. Also included are wiggly eyes, non-toxic glue and fiberfill. Size: 5-1/2" x 8-3/4". Level 3.0-4.6.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445837740

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0966 Download Materials

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0967 Allen Diagnostic Module Visor Kit, Pack of 12 $132.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Visor Kit, Pack of 12:
Adjustments of fabric and lining provide observation of problem recognition and solving. Kit includes 12 precut cardboard visors, precut fabric for covering (fabric may vary), precut felt for lining elastic mask holders and non-toxic glue sticks. Level 3.0-4.6.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445837757

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0967 Download Materials

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0968 Allen Diagnostic Module Frog Note Holder, Pack of 12 $104.99
Allen Diagnostic Module Frog Note Holder, Pack of 12:
Three-dimensional assembly of unusual wooden shape detects visual spatial difficulties associated with dementia. Includes pine pieces, clothespins, wiggly eyes, green stain, sandpaper and non-toxic glue. Order brushes separately. Level 3.0-4.6. Pack of 12.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445837702

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0968 Download Materials

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Item # Allen Diagnostic Tools Price Qty.
0964 Allen Diagnostic Module Ribbon Cards, Pack of 10 $157.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Ribbon Cards, Pack of 10:

Currently out of stock.

The simplest weaving on a precut greeting card. Ten ribbon combinations allow for individual preferences: male and female, young and old. The problems to be solved are similar, allowing therapists to make accurate assessments in groups of 6-8. Kits include slit cards, envelopes and precut ribbon. Patterns may vary. Order glue separately. Cards: 5" x 7". Level 4.0-5.0.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910436

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0964 Download Materials

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0973 Allen Diagnostic Module Fabric Covered Box, Pack of 6 $212.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Fabric Covered Box, Pack of 6:
'I didn't think I could do it!' The precisely cut fabric fits so well that people are surprised and proud of themselves. Therapists or a volunteer will need to iron 2 pieces of fabric together. The batting is precut but the felt is not, allowing for a wider range of assessment. Pack includes 6 boxes, precut fabric and batting, felt and fusible webbing. Order ruler, pencil and glue separately. 8-1/2"W x 5-1/2"D x 2-1/2"H. Level 4.4-5.4.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910382

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0973 Download Materials

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Item # Allen Diagnostic Tools Price Qty.
0974 Claudia Allen Storage Boxes, Pack of 12 $144.99
Claudia Allen Storage Boxes, Pack of 12:

Currently out of stock.

Checks ability to use images, negative and 3-dimensional space. Can be used with a group. Kit includes white card board boxes, precut paper strips and squares and non-toxic glue sticks. Pattern may vary. Size: 8-1/2" x 5-3/8" x 2-3/8". Level 4.0-5.0.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910412

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0974 Download Materials

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0976 Allen Diagnostic Module Turtle Key Ring, Pack of 12 $142.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Turtle Key Ring, Pack of 12:
Attractive, beaded leather key ring requires ability to learn a sequence of motor actions moving alternately vertically and horizontally through space and materials. Includes leather turtle with prepunched holes, metal key chain, waxed thread, assorted beads and large-eye metal needles with blunt tips. 12 key chains. Level 4.2-4.8.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445837832

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0976 Download Materials

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0977 Allen Diagnostic Module Leather Key Fob, Pack of 6 $104.99
Allen Diagnostic Module Leather Key Fob, Pack of 6:
Provides a sequence that evaluates learning and is an excellent assessment tool for experienced OTs. Kit includes leather circles, crow beads, key rings and rawhide lacing. Elastic cord for necklace is also provided to assist those who cannot learn the sequence. Order bins separately. Level 4.0-5.0.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910405

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0977 Download Materials

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0978 Allen Diagnostic Module Greeting Cards, Pack of 12 $52.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Greeting Cards, Pack of 12:

Currently out of stock.

Watercolor paper for texture that is appreciated at higher levels. The fastest and most portable of the stencil projects. Kits include watercolor greeting cards and envelopes. Order stencils, paint and brushes separately. 5" x 7". Level 4.6-5.8.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445910375

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

0978 Download Materials

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0979 Allen Diagnostic Module Needlepoint Heart Key Rings, Pack of 6 $52.49
Allen Diagnostic Module Needlepoint Heart Key Rings, Pack of 6:
Portable and done in 2 hours. Enough instructions are included for each key ring. Kits include plastic canvas, key chains and uncut yarn and fabric. Order needle, thread and scissors separately. 14-hole square. Level 4.6-5.4.

Dimensions: 13" x 2" x 11"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 851445837658

Notice: Typically ships in 1 week.

0979 Download Materials

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