Dycem Non-Slip Material Wipes

Product Group Summary

Cleaning wipes are an alternative to soapy water. Wipes leave your product instantly dry and ready for use. Contains 30% alcohol and 70% deionized water. Package of 10

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Item # Dycem Non-Slip Material Wipes Price Qty.
9736 cleaning wipes, package of 10 $15.99
Dycem non-slip cleaning wipes, package of 10:
Cleaning wipes are an alternative to soapy water. Wipes leave your product instantly dry and ready for use. Contains 30% alcohol and 70% deionized water. Package of 10

Dimensions: 2" x .2" x 4"

Weight: 1 lbs

UPC: 849360002329

Notice: Typically ships in 1-2 days.

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